Namaste, iam Mercedes Wildey, I hope your day is as beautiful as your smile.

Can You Get A House In Ffxiv Free Trial? [Solved]

No, Current trial limitations would prevent either. In addition to what others have said, you can only hold 300k gil at a time on the free trial (iirc) – apartments are 500k, and houses are much more than that depending on size. So it’s unlikely free trial players will be able to participate in housing.23 Jul 2020

FFXIV FREE TRIAL Restrictions - What You CAN and CAN’T Do!

HUGE Thanks to my Patreon Sponsors, who

I Spent 1000+ Hours on the Final Fantasy 14 Free Trial.

This video contains minor spoilers for A Realm Reborn & Heavensward] This project really

Do you even need to pay for FFXIV?
