Hello, iam Edward Wilder, Have an A+ day.

Can You Marry Rhajat? [Solved]

Rhajat is the first female character that can canonically marry a girl, in this case, female Corrin. Curiously, female Corrin can also be Rhajat’s mother in different timelines if she marries Hayato.

Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright - Male Avatar (My Unit) & Rhajat Support Conversations

Rank C, B, A, and S support conversations between the Male Avatar and

Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright - Rhajat & Kana (Male) Support Conversations

Rank C, B, A, and S support conversations between

Male Kana & Rhajat Parent/Child Support Conversations

Based on a script by seasidebebe (deactivated their account) with revisions and edits by Parry! This support