Hola, iam Robin Miller, Don’t worry, it’s one day closer to the weekend.

Can You Move Your Whole Base In Fallout 76? [Solved]

If you’ve discovered the perfect spot for a base but have placed your C.A.M.P. already, don’t dismay. Moving your C.A.M.P. is as simple as whipping out your Pip Boy and hitting L1/LB while in the Modify menu.16 Nov 2018

How to Move Your Camp in Fallout 76 (How Do I Move My C.A.M.P.? - Moving: Part 1)


How to Blueprint Your CAMP in Fallout 76 (Blueprinting Your C.A.M.P. - Moving: Part 2)

In this video,

How to Move Your CAMP in Fallout 76 and What Happens When You Move Your CAMP

In this video,