Greetings, iam Chelsea Wilson, I hope all goes well today.

Can You Swim In A Pool With 5 Ppm Chlorine? [Solved]

The ideal level of free chlorine in the swimming pool is 2 to 4 ppm. 1 to 5 ppm is acceptable and 9 ppm is on the high side. 9 ppm would likely be safe to swim, but could be more of an irritant. Ideally, the level would be alllowed to come down to 5 ppm before swimmers are allowed to swim.

How Much Chlorine Is Too Much To Swim?

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Is 3 PPM the Magic Chlorine Level for Your Pool?

First off credit for all of this goes to the Legendary Bob Lowry who before his passing last year cemented this theory in the industry …

Low Chlorine Levels in pool

In this video I talk about Low